Sunday, 8 March 2009

This is not art - Australia


Closing 31st March 2009
If you work, think, play or study in creative, intellectual or artistic practices then…
We want you!
Join us for the 2009 grand interpretation of This Is Not Art: Australia’s largest and most diverse media and arts festival.
This Is Not Art has been growing and developing over the past twelve years to become a national showcase and skills share for Australia’s most creative and niche movers and shakers.
This year it’s your turn!
To be a part of the This Is Not Art 2009 Festival Program, you will need to go to our website at: and download and submit an application form. Alternatively you can send an email to: admin[at] and request an application form , or phone (02) 4927 0675.

We are always open to new suggestions and ideas for events or other inclusions into the festival program. While not every proposal can be guaranteed a place in the festival, we try to be as inclusive as possible, so please send us your proposals… We’d love to have you along for the ride!
Please ensure we receive your application by 31st March 2009. Email and postal details are found on the application forms.

xx This Is Not Art
Office: 3 / 231 King Street, Newcastle, 2300
Phone: (02) 4927 0675
Fax: +61 2 4927 1475
Email: amin[at]

independent, emerging & experimental annual arts & media festival

01 – 05 October 2009
Newcastle, Australia


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Estes australianos são mesmo radicais. Não sei se isto seria possível na Europa. Um link para quem estiver interessado em passar uns dias dionisíacos junto à praia misturados com manifestações artísticas de toda a espécie.

  3. olá Ginha. de vez em quando venho ao teu mundo beber um chá (^_^)

