Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Helsinki, here I go!

A minha proposta para a conferência de Helsínquia foi aceite!!
Será na conferência The Embodiment of Authority: Perspectives in Performance, que se irá realizar em Setembro próximo. Uma conferência muito á frente. Quero mesmo estar lá!!


Segue-se o abstract da minha proposta:

Envisioning music from a performance’s perspective represents to me an extraordinary platform to re-think, re-evaluate and re-enact music-making in the present context. As Marvin Carlson said (2004), performance is the process by which past forms of thinking and doing are adjusted and changed in the present, to answer the new motivations, needs and ways of living. To think about “music as performance” we need to challenge many ideas about the way music is typically thought, performed, perceived and studied by composers, musicians, listeners and researchers (a fight). But the benefits gained in this process are huge: we find a safe environment to test new artistic models, new languages to represent ideas, new modes of interaction between co-workers, and new strategies to address the audience (a flight). As a musician with keen interest in the performance world, at this conference I will present my latest work, entitled “Music or Performance? That is the Question”, which intersects written/improvised music with live video, performance, theatre and autobiography. It involves the collaboration of five different-skilled persons, including a sound and a video technician, a light designer, a theatre director and a music performer, and aims to defy conventions about what a concert, a pianist and a woman is. The presentation of this multimedia work will start with the deconstruction of its creative process followed by video screening of some of its relevant moments. Finally, more theoretical issues regarding the philosophical nature of the event, the authorial relationship between co-workers, the mode of perception by the viewers, the strategies to document a live event for further investigation and diffusion, and the way it connects with contemporary culture and life style, will be addressed.


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