Call for Papers


Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris - Perak Malaysia 21 - 23 August 2013

Submissions are invited for paper and performance presentations at the International Conference, Cage101 - Past - Present - Future (21 - 23 August 2013) organized by Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI), Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia.  

UPSI's international music lecturers, whose research interests include electro-accoustic composition and performance, are collaborating with local musicians and academics to organize this conference. The conference focuses on the diverse and extraordinary influences of Cage: historical, contemporary and philosophical.  We are seeking papers and performances that explore these strands.

This is a unique event in Malaysia and, at our university where ethnomusicology and music education are very strong, we are driving a forging of links between these strengths and new music and ideas. Keynote speakers and performers will include composers, artists, and academics, and new works will be commissioned specially for this event.

All submissions will be blind peer reviewed by an international panel.

You can see more detail regarding the conference, its strands and submission process through the website.

We hope this conference will be of interest to you. If you are not able to present at the conference yourself, would you please encourage appropriate students in your faculty or under your supervision to submit a proposal? We hope to welcome many participants to this event!

The deadline for abstract submission is 20 March 2013.  Email: